Historic Preservation, Rest in Peace, The Times We Live In
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Remembrances for Memorial Day

In this day and age we glorify the individual and forget that it is the collective—the community—that holds us together. Sites I have visited on past Memorial Day weekends, such as the U.S.S. Arizona memorial and the Waikiki Natatorium War Memorial in Hawaii, are “places where moments in personal history become part of the flow of collective history.” History that transcends individual experiences and lifetimes.

We are judged not just by what we build, but by what we choose to save and remember from the past.

For this Memorial Day remembrance, I point to past essays and remembrances on MORE TO COME that speak to sacrifice and these community values.

Omaha Beach, Normandy
Omaha Beach, Normandy
The American Cathedral in Paris on Memorial Day weekend in 2022, with the wreath from the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day
(Image by Luxstorm from Pixabay.)
U.S.S. Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor

With profound gratefulness on this Memorial Day for our men and women in service who made the supreme sacrifice.

More to come . . .


Photo of U.S. graves in Normandy by DJB.


I am David J. Brown (hence the DJB) and I originally created this personal newsletter more than fifteen years ago as a way to capture photos and memories from a family vacation. Afterwards I simply continued writing. Over the years the newsletter has changed to have a more definite focus aligned with my interest in places that matter, reading well, roots music, heritage travel, and more. My professional background is as a national nonprofit leader with a four-decade record of growing and strengthening organizations at local, state, and national levels. This work has been driven by my passion for connecting people in thriving, sustainable, and vibrant communities.

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  1. Pingback: Observations from . . . May 2024 | MORE TO COME...

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